Princess Dental Staffing Salary Report

Dentist Salaries in Montana

How much do our Dentist candidates make in Montana? Compare data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and our candidates to see what you could be earning as a member of Princess Dental Staffing.

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median hourly rate
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average hourly rate

How do we compare?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national average hourly rate for a Dentist is $86.94 ($180,830 yearly) in the United States. Of course, rates vary depending on location, skills, years of experience, and other factors.

On Princess Dental Staffing, our Dentist candidates in Montana are averaging $109 per hour ($218,000 yearly). This is based on 222 recently filled jobs with an accepted hourly range between $87 and $153 per hour, and a median hourly rate of $110 per hour.

Average Dentist Salary in Montana

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Salary Info

Frequently asked questions about Dentist salaries.

How much can a Dentist make on Princess Dental Staffing in Montana?
Our Dentist candidates in Montana make an average of $109 per hour (about $218,000 yearly). Data is based on 222 jobs filled by Dentist candidates through Princess Dental Staffing.
The highest rate Dentist candidates are charging in Montana is $153 per hour (about $306,000 yearly).
The lowest rate Dentist candidates are charging in Montana is $87 per hour (about $174,000 yearly).

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