Princess Dental Staffing

Dental Salary Report

We've gathered data from over 66,000 candidates and more than 2,640,000 jobs posted on our dental staffing service. See how you compare with other dental professionals below and find out how much you could be earning with us!

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median hourly rate
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average hourly rate


There are currently over 2,200 dentists looking for temporary or permanent positions through Princess Dental Staffing.

Dentists are averaging $115 per hour (about $230,000 yearly).

Based on temporary jobs filled through the Princess Dental Staffing platform, the hourly wage range for dentists is between $92 and $162 per hour, with a median hourly rate of $115 per hour.

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dental hygienists
$ 0
median hourly rate
$ 0
average hourly rate

Dental Hygienists

There are currently over 8,100 dental hygienists looking for temporary or permanent positions through Princess Dental Staffing.

Dental hygienists are averaging $61 per hour (about $122,000 yearly).

Based on temporary jobs filled through the Princess Dental Staffing platform, the hourly wage range for dental hygienists is between $48 and $85 per hour, with a median hourly rate of $60 per hour.

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dental assistants
$ 0
median hourly rate
$ 0
average hourly rate

Dental Assistants

There are currently over 22,900 dental assistants looking for temporary or permanent positions through Princess Dental Staffing.

Dental assistants are averaging $28 per hour (about $56,000 yearly).

Based on temporary jobs filled through the Princess Dental Staffing platform, the hourly wage range for dental assistants is between $22 and $39 per hour, with a median hourly rate of $28 per hour.

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dental receptionists / front desk staff
$ 0
median hourly rate
$ 0
average hourly rate

Dental Receptionists / Front Desk

There are currently over 23,600 dental receptionists / front desk staff looking for temporary or permanent positions through Princess Dental Staffing.

Dental receptionists / front desk staff are averaging $26 per hour (about $52,000 yearly).

Based on temporary jobs filled through the Princess Dental Staffing platform, the hourly wage range for dental receptionists / front desk staff is between $21 and $37 per hour, with a median hourly rate of $27 per hour.

Ready to get started?

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