Princess Dental Staffing Salary Report

Dental Receptionist / Front Desk Salaries in California

How much do our Dental Receptionist / Front Desk candidates make in California? Compare data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and our candidates to see what you could be earning as a member of Princess Dental Staffing.

recently filled jobs
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median hourly rate
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average hourly rate

How do we compare?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national average hourly rate for a Dental Receptionist / Front Desk is $15.58 ($32,410 yearly) in the United States. Of course, rates vary depending on location, skills, years of experience, and other factors.

On Princess Dental Staffing, our Dental Receptionist / Front Desk candidates in California are averaging $25 per hour ($50,000 yearly). This is based on 1 recently filled job with an accepted hourly range between $20 and $35 per hour, and a median hourly rate of $25 per hour.

Average Dental Receptionist / Front Desk Salary in California

Recent Dental Receptionist / Front Desk Hirings Near California

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Mesa dental home

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Sherman oaks smile center

Hired a Dental Receptionist / Front Desk in Sherman Oaks, CA about 2 hours ago.

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Sonora Dental Group's profile picture

Sonora Dental Group

Hired a Dental Receptionist / Front Desk in Phoenix, AZ about 2 hours ago.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Salary Info

Frequently asked questions about Dental Receptionist / Front Desk salaries.

How much can a Dental Receptionist / Front Desk make on Princess Dental Staffing in California?
Our Dental Receptionist / Front Desk candidates in California make an average of $25 per hour (about $50,000 yearly). Data is based on 1 job filled by Dental Receptionist / Front Desk candidates through Princess Dental Staffing.
The highest rate Dental Receptionist / Front Desk candidates are charging in California is $35 per hour (about $70,000 yearly).
The lowest rate Dental Receptionist / Front Desk candidates are charging in California is $20 per hour (about $40,000 yearly).

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